Or in it’s creator’s words and native tongue “Galeria Madrid”
Hello virtual travelers! today we will talk and show you a few of the wonderful, wonderful place created by Fred Madrid in Twinity.
Beautifully constructed in SketchUp gives you a most wonderful and vast space to explore with complex structures and if you look close enough you will find over 140 items given for free.
Visit the rich gallery , find the digital art that represents you. Stay a while and watch the sunset in the monastery .
Then let your steps wonder through the Cathedral of Sound especially when the day burns hot, feel the coolness of the marble and fall in love without even realizing it, with the beautiful light that shines through the stained glass.
See and read more of the exploring Sandra did Fred’s Gallery here
And now we’ll tell you a secret..early, early .. in the morning find the magnificent underwater world filled with surprises!
Until next time travelers,
Happy exploring!