Would you like to get more involved in the Twinity community, help other Twinizens and provide us with feedback and your ideas for improving Twinity?
Then you might be perfect for the Twinity Mentor Program! Requirements:
Registered at least three months in Twinity Actively involved in Twinity events Willing to help others and share knowledge Desire to give feedback on improving Twinity Spend five hours or more per week in-world as a Mentor
If you want to find out more about becoming a Twinity Mentor, please send an email to mentor (at) twinity dot com.
Comments 2
I cannot register, there is a problem with the graphic code.
I want to leave them feedback, but I must be registered, catch 22.
I hope their site works better!!!
@Dimitar, Our registration system had a problem for about 1 hour over the weekend. You may have been trying to register at exactly that time. I’ll have our support team follow up with you. thanks, jeremy