In the release notes sent around earlier today, I mentioned that one highlight of yesterday’s release was the Welcome Area. Some have noticed that there isn’t really much new in the Welcome Area, just some new items and content. This is correct and I should have been clearer. The point is that you now enter Twinity by going first to …
Release notes sent for Feb 21, 2008 update
Release notes have been sent to the twinity-beta mailing list. As always, if you are not receiving those emails but would like to, please let us know. The easiest way is to post a comment to this posting. Include your email address in the standard email address field (but not in the body of your comment) and we will see …
Reminder: vote in the poll “Have you created your own apartment in Twinity?”
Please vote on the right! Just a quick note – we know that the documentation is out of sync with the lobby in Twinity right now. The label on the button to create your apartment is not “Add Location” but rather “Create Place”. Sorry for the confusion.
Screenshots from last night’s event
Click on the thumbnails to view the full-size images. Enjoy. 🙂
Twinity event tonight delayed 15 minutes
Chat maintenance is not quite done yet. Please bear with us!
Beta – next round of invitations sent
We have invited the next round of about 950+ people who have signed up through Welcome to Twinity!
Twinity member satisfaction survey January 2008
Dear Twinity beta members, We always want to give you the best possible service that we can. To that end, we are asking you to take a brief survey to let us know how we are doing. Please click the link below to take the survey. Click Here to take the survey Thanks! Jeremy
Release notes sent from Jan 22, 2008 release
Release notes have been sent to the Twinity-beta mailing list. If you would like to subscribe to that list, please leave a comment here and I will add you to the list.
[Operations] Twinity update tonight – next few hours
As previously mentioned, we will be taking Twinity offline for a few hours this evening, starting in the next 30 minutes. Twinity should be back online around midnight or 1 AM. Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.
[Operations] Twinity update Tuesday, Jan 22, 2008
We’re currently preparing an update package for Twinity, which we should have online later this evening. There will be another post to confirm any downtime required to apply the updates, and release notes will be sent to the Twinity-Beta mailing list.