The Twinity Monitor says “It’s alive!!!”

OK, so they didn’t say exactly that, but they did talk about Twinity coming alive. Last week was the first time I can truly say that Twinity finally felt like a thriving community filled with life and people. We had tons of store and club openings, new places to explore, and events!

The Twinity Monitor discusses wedding bells ;-)

Here’s the link to the post over at the Twinity Monitor: As you can see, it was heavily attended, with many well wishers there to send their best regards and cheer on the newlyweds. … What can I say? This year Twinity has seen many milestones reached; I think a wedding is probably one of the most exciting ones to …

Hiperia3D News on the Twinity Contest

Read more about it here. The contest consists in choosing a famous picture and transform it to a room  in Twinity. The prize is being featured and many Globals (no particular quantity has been stablished). It is not stated but obviously you should choose a picture or painting that is not only famous but classic (paintings from more than 70 …