sered on Virtual London’s expansion

sered posted about the expansion of Virtual London: Famous landmarks along the Thames river such as the Big Ben, the Westminster Abbey and the ‘London Eye’ became available. Due to family matters I couldn’t spend too much time, and it was already evening, but here’s a few snapshots of the Westminster Abbey and the London Eye, the way a real …

The young and the Twinizens

From The Twinity Monitor: You know you have a real “community” when there’s gossip… This past week turned out to be one of the strangest ones I’d ever experienced in Twinity. For as long as I’ve been here, conversations between players have always been pretty much innocuous. That’s not to say they’ve been boring, just that they’ve always been pretty …

Avatars & Maxing Out…?

There’s an interesting, somewhat rambling post, over at Ravenskiss, about 3D virtual worlds and avatars. Let’s Digress A Tad. … Opinion : Virtual Worlds are getting a second life … So…Watch out for Twinity ~ ha! shall I join? BETA ~ it’s free, just raised €4.5m

Twinity Feature auf ARTE-Xenius

In German / Auf Deutsch Zusammenschnitt der TV-Show Xenius im Programm von ARTE. Thema: Virtuelle Welten – Leben Online.

Chapter & Metaverse: Twinity Revisited

There’s a review of Twinity from Chapter & Metaversum, from revisiting Twinity after 14 months. First Impressions The first thing I was surprised to find was that Twinity is still in Beta.The next thing I noticed is that the number of cities has increased from 1 to 3. In December 2008 there was only Virtual Berlin, but now Virtual London, …