4 more sites that have quick mentions of the opening of Virtual Singapore in Twinity: EuroInvestor Sys-Con Media Hiperia3D News BigWorld Tech News Happy reading! 🙂
More on the opening of Virtual Singapore
Nearly a week after the launch, I wanted to link out to a few of the sites that had more coverage of the launch of Virtual Singapore. From Business Wire, Virtual Singapore now open in Twinity Also from SGEntrepreneurs And from Virtual Worlds News, Metaversum Opens Doors on Virtual Singapore For the Virtual Worlds’ piece, I wanted to clarify one …
A Twinity cave!
Check out a Twinity cave, made using Blender and COLLADA, over on Angry’s Tripping the Metaverse. I’m always amazed at what our Twinizens create – really cool! 🙂
What girls think of Twinity?
Well, maybe this isn’t representative of what ALL girls think of Twinity, but it’s a group of female Singaporean bloggers, who got together and discussed Twinity a while ago.
zcreeming media on importing models into Twinity
zcreeming media has a little introduction to importing Maya models into Twinity via Collada with some screenshots of early results! Thanks, zcreem! By the way, the location to check this stuff out is Exo Gallery (hyperlinked directly to his location in-world).
Are virtual worlds for real this time?
About a week ago, we held the first ever Virtual Thursday event here in Singapore. The event was a real-world networking session for all companies and individuals involved in the virtual worlds space.
Virtual worlds are getting a second life by Vic Keegan
Over at the Guardian, Vic Keegan has a great post titled “Virtual worlds are getting a second life.” In this, Keegan discusses how social networking sites may get a lot of attention, but virtual worlds have better business models. There’s another curious thing: Facebook and Twitter are lauded to the skies, but neither has found a way to make money …
From virtual worlds to mirror worlds
From terrympatterson, over on the Purdue eTech blog: If you have a Twinity avatar, you can navigate around the mirror city of Berlin guided by a Google mini map. Without being overcrowded, Berlin’s center offers a few virtual Cafes where you can enjoy conversation via VOIP or text chat. You can also enjoy arts exhibitions and music entertainment.    In Twinity, …
more from ak yip – his neko
Check it out!
ak yip’s first upload into Twinity
A CD Case!