Avatar of the Day: Evolast

Evolast appeared today in front of the Brandenburg Gate with this amazing outfit and we had to take a picture of it! He showed us the different clothes he has been designing and promised he will jump up in the catwalk in front of everyone with them on in the R U Creative?!?! Event this Friday! Now that he can …

We have just updated Twinity!

Dear Twinizens, We have just updated to a new version of Twinity! Here is an overview of the new fixes: – Giving gifts to multiple people is now improved and  you can also drag and drop gifts. – Fullscreen mode now supports various screen proportions – try it out, Twinity in fullscreen is a different experience! – Once again, you …

Wrapping up the week at Metaversum, March 19, 2010

Some highlights from a busy week at Metaversum: Our Welcome area continues to get notice We welcome former Therians and like to hear their thoughts on Twinity A new apartment promotion in the new areas of Virtual Berlin! Grab your Twinity skateboard And brace for life in the shadows Have a great weekend and see you soon in Twinity!

Avatar of the Day: St. Patrick’s Skaters

Today we got captivated by the fine style of St. Patrick’s Skaters! We find them all green in the middle of Savignyplatz, a new area of Berlin that is opening this Thursday. If you would like to get the coolest skateboard ever, have a look in the Red Hip Berlin in virtual Neue Schönhauser Straße 15 🙂

From Twinity into Google Earth

Over at Koinup, Sered noticed that Twinity has gone beyond Twinity, and into Google Earth. This is more follow-up on Remap Berlin, a very cool project! So the next time you browse Berlin pictures in Panoramio, take a careful look – is it the real thing or not..? PS: Also noted on sered’s blog.

Avatar of the Day: Al Capone

While shooting Phebe’s picture Al went by and we asked him to let us take a picture of him! He is another cool newbie joining the Twinity Family and we hope he stays long time!

Avatar of the Day: Phebe

Phebe arrived yesterday to Twinity but she has already visited the Reichstag and has got her Twinity T-shirt! Welcome!