St. Valentine’s: yes or no?

Dear Twinizens,

are you up for romanticism or this year you would prefer something different for St. Valentine’s Day? Tell us how you feel about enjoying the lover’s day in Twinity and give us ideas on how would you like to spend the day with us!

[poll id=”29″]

New patch


We have a short communication for you: we just released a new patch to fix few bugs, including several minor improvements and repairing the radio in-world and the map!
We hope that you will appreciate it!

Your Twinity team.

Be a model in New York City

Fashion events in Twinity
Today the shop manager is going to manage the favourite Model’s event: the hottest catwalk ever in New York City!
Come at 4pm (Berlin time) and take part to the Runway, you’ll earn 50 Globals!

Big party at Brandenburg Gate

Dear Twinizens,
we are proud to announce that this evening at 8:00 pm we are going to have a Big party in Twinity and it is going to be the Best party of 2011!

4 hours with live concerts and djing – powered by with live artists:
Ulrika Tomsen
Milosh Glasgow
JohnWinston Vandyke

While on tapes we will have DJ Lurch from German webradio (if you can’t be InWorld the music stream is on but if you are InWorld you have to be in front of the Brandenburg Gate in the heart of Berlin!
Don’t miss this amazing event!

ps: please note you can follow on Facebook too.

Workaround for Twinity Radio

Due to a change to the Shoutcast API our in-game radio is currently not working as expected.

Luckily there is a workaround to the problem. To add a music-stream to your place please follow these steps:

1. Go to
2. Select your favorite internet radio station
3. Copy the link to the stream (right-click: copy url)

The link should look something like:

4. Go to Twinity
5. Open the radio dialog (Show Place Info -> Edit -> CHANGE)
6. Open the FAVORITES tab
7. Paste the link into “Custom URL:” field
8. Press Add
9. Select the new radio stream and press the play button

We are in contact with Shoutcast to get the existing radio dialog working as soon as possible.

New patch released.

We have just released a new patch, including several minor improvements and repairing the radio in-world.

We hope that you will like it!

Your Twinity team.

Twinity Update

Dear Twinizens,

today we will release a patch to fix several bugs:

– Fixes problems with uploading transparent objects
– Fixes for wrong position of mini-map in Miami
– Several improvements for the apartment editor
– Better wording and ordering of context-menues
– “Move object here” was added to new apartments
– Avatar context-menu does not show if avatar is invisible
– Mouse-over functions are now also available in context-menu
– Fixes camera-bug with in-word shop
– Improvements to accounting back-end system

No system downtime is required for this patch, hopefully 😛 If you experience any issue after the patch, please send us a message to!

Your Twinity Team

Twinity downtime Friday November 12

Twinity has an extended downtime scheduled for tomorrow, Friday 12th of November, at these local hours:

14:00-15:00 CET (Berlin)
13:00-14:00 GMT (London)
08:00-09:00 EST (New York, Miami)
21:00-22:00 SGT (Singapore)

We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. During the downtime the website will be accessible. We hope to see you online soon again after this! 🙂

Cheerleader of the Day: Evolast

We have found today this amazing picture of Mr Evolast dress for success to be our Cheerleader of the Day! Great outfit Evolast, now we know you will do anything to cheer Twinity and that’s why we adore you! <3 😀