Gain some Exclusive Items with our New Badges!!

Dear Twinizens,

The hunt for badges can continue! Today we are releasing a new set of badges. Your chance to get some new cool and exclusive items. Whatch this space, there is more to come.

The new badges include:

  • Marathon Man 1
  • Singapore Marathon Man 1
  • London Marathon Man 1
  • It’s all about Friends 5
  • Disco Dancer 3
  • Happy Birthday!

Login to Twinity to find out how you can achieve those badges.

Today: Altes Museum Exhibition Opening

Image of Altes Museum exhibition opening (2010-07-21  18:30:00 +0200 @ Altes Museum)

July 21, 2010 06:30 pm

When:   06:30 pm CET
Where:  Altes Museum
Host:  Lisa
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This evening the Altes Museum will open its 10th exhibition:
Collages, Assemblages and Confrontages by Hogret, a female artist from South Africa. She tells stories through assembling found image material, painting or changing them, adding words and bringing them into an entirely new context.

Avatar of the Day: Jessie

Jessie posted a photo of herself in her newly decorated apartment on Twinity’s Facebook page and she became Avatar of the Day! We find her outfit casual and sexy at the same time, and we just can’t wait to visit her place!

Avatar of the Day: Nadia

Nadia was spotted wearing a beautiful summer dress nicely combined with purple gloves and high heels shoes. She looks so pretty that she was chosen as avatar of the day!

Avatar of the Day: Anglina

Anglina posted this picture in Twinity’s Facebook Page and she is our Avatar of the Day because: she looks like a Superstar AND she is in the place where they all are in Berlin, the Sony Center!