Have Fun and Earn Badges in Twinity!

From today on Twinity members cannot just explore our cities, meet friends and get creative, but earn some cool badges for their activities!

Be it the Berlin Marathon Man Badge, The new Look Badge or the Home sweet Home Badge, you can get achievements in the following categories: Travel, Lifestyle and Living.

We’ll start off with a couple of badges and you’ll see more and more in the following weeks.

How does it work?

  • Finish the Welcome Tour.
  • Open your profile and click on Get Achievements or
  • Click on the Achievements button in the top left corner of Twinity to open the Achievements window.
  • The Achievements window gives you a status update of your badges and shows you badges still to earn.

Let us know what you think! We are happy to receive your feedback or new ideas for badges. Just send an email to support@twinity.com or leave a comment here.

Release Notes from Today’s Update: Be Proud of your Achievements!

We are proud of your achievements – and you can be too now!

When it comes to creating and exploring Twinity or dressing up their avatars in wonderful creative outfits or throwing fabulous parties and events; Twinizens amaze us everyday with their great accomplishments.  They contribute and shape Twinity by building and creating amazing apartments, furniture, fashion and much more which adds the extra portion of fun and creativity to Twinity.

What better way to value those achievements exist than with badges?  We will release our new badge system today and start off with a couple of badges in the following categories: Travel, Lifestyle and Living. As of today Twinizens can earn badges like the Marathon Badge, The Good Host Bagde or the My Home is My Castle Badge.  We’ll start off with a couple for a start and you’ll see more and more new badges added from now on.

Twinity members find their achieved badges in their in-world profile or after having finished the welcome tour by clicking on the green button next to the Twinity logo.

We’ll think the new badges will turn out to be great fun. Try them out, enjoy and as always let us know what you think! We are happy to receive your feedback or new ideas for badges. Just send an email to support@twinity.com or leave a comment here.

Other improvements covered by the update:

  • New mouse over tool tips
  • You can now control nudity settings in your own apartment
  • Signing up for Twinity now is also supported with Facebook Connect
  • Some other minor bugs have been solved
  • Some usability improvements have been introduced

Downtime Monday 5th July at 9am

Dear Twinizens,

We’ll have a major update of Twinity tomorrow Monday 5th of July and we expect a downtime of 30 minutes  around 9am.  New features will be introduced and they are amazing, but we want to keep them as a great surprise, so we’ll post the release notes here in the blog after the update 😛

Your Twinity Team

Avatar of the Day: Chu

Chu was in London while we were talking about the Weekly Contests and she checked our Twinity Facebook Page! Since she decided to submit her avatar, she just won 50 globals! Do you also think your avatar is awesome? Follow Chu’s example and post a cool picture on Facebook to get to be Twinity’s Avatar of the Day!

Avatar of the Day: Flo

Flo was caught at HAD Club in Berlin dressed in a most fashionable way! His old-style suit fits perfectly in the environment and the make-up is awesome… But the best part are the flip-flops! Nice combination 🙂

Avatar of the Day: Jie

Jie looks great in her all-pink outfit! She chose a beautiful dress and fitting complements… and, of course, the pink Scooter is the key!! But what we enjoy the most is that she is dancing on top of it 😀