Avatar of the Day: Clare

Hardstyle Night Hour party at Zalinaz was spectacular, not only for the music but also for the great style! Clare looked elegant and sexy while dancing with the hardest sound in Twinity! Thanks Tauri for an awesome party!

Clare in Zalinaz

Twinity Newsletter – World Cup Championship Contest

Meet German Goth band Beyond the Void

Twinity gives you a backstage pass to the underworld. Attend Twinity’s meet and greet with the sinister lords of the darkness Beyond the Void.

Click here for more information.


Avatar of the Day

Apartment of the week

World Cup Championship Contest

Ready for the big game? Be the ‘Twinity Fan World Champion‘ by designing the ultimate fan location.

Click here for more information.


Built by Community: The Ultimate BBQ Challenge

BBQ Season is finally here! Show off your skills by creating the ultimate BBQ spread and win your own customizable Twinity public space.

Click here for more information.


Event of the Week

PS: Twinity’s virtual Wedding was a dazzling success. Pop the question in time and you can still be a part of Twinity’s first group Wedding.

Featured Items: Goth Gear

That’s right minions, Twinty is going Goth. So check out Twinity´s newest line of Goth apparel-straight from the pit of eternal gloom. We have all the boots, gloves, capes, corsets and collars to help you show off your dark side. Feeling dangerous?

Embrace the shadows of the night and attend the Twinity Goth Shop’s Grand Opening Party at Dungeon of Goths on June 04, 2010 04:30 pm CET. Not for the faint of heart.

Dragon Ring Gothic Face Mask Leather Coat Female
Dragon Ring Gothic Face Mask Leather Coat Female

Featured Apartments in Virtual London!

If you haven’t found your dream place yet, check out these apartments in London:

Airy Urban Loft
Airy Urban Loft

Avatar of the Day: Jose Antonio

Jose Antonio is from Toledo, Spain, but he definitely has a very British style: not many Twinizens can rock a suit the way he does! If you ever want to listen to his radio show, visit his place Jose Antonio’s Radio Studio and enjoy with the best Spanish music in Twinity!

Jose Antonio in London

Twinity Newsletter – Get married in Twinity

Get married in Twinity

If you are one of the lucky ones with a special someone, why not take the plunge and get married in Twinity?

Click here for more information.


Avatar of the Day

Apartment of the week

World Cup Contest – Design your own Jersey!

Desing your own jersey and win 250 Globals by designing the winning national outfit.

Click here for more information.


Skateboard Race on the Moon

Come have a skate session on the moon with Twinity.

Click here for more information.


Event of the Week

Featured Items of the Week

If you can hear virtual wedding bells, we have all the accessories you need! Twinity offers the most elegant gowns, stylish tuxedoes and everything in between. Whatever you need for your special celebration is now available at our new “Wedding Shop“. Stop by and take a look and be eligible for a free gift at the opening party.

Wedding Suit Grey Wedding Dress Hillary Wedding Dress Tessa
Wedding Suit Grey Wedding Dress Hillary Wedding Dress Tessa

Featured Apartments in Virtual Singapore!

Singapore is one of Asia’s fastest-growing and most-thriving multicultural metropolises. If you are still looking for a pad, these places in Singapore might be worth a look:

Exclusive Supersized Loft
Exclusive Supersized Loft

Hiperia3D News on the Twinity Contest

Read more about it here.

The contest consists in choosing a famous picture and transform it to a room  in Twinity. The prize is being featured and many Globals (no particular quantity has been stablished).

It is not stated but obviously you should choose a picture or painting that is not only famous but classic (paintings from more than 70 years ago) to avoid copyright infringement.