Hardstyle Night Hour party at Zalinaz was spectacular, not only for the music but also for the great style! Clare looked elegant and sexy while dancing with the hardest sound in Twinity! Thanks Tauri for an awesome party!
Twinity Newsletter – World Cup Championship Contest
Skateboarding on the moon
I bet you’ve always wanted to skateboard on the moon like Sered. I know I have 😉
Did you know we launched Virtual Singapore?
It always tickles me when these things pop up months and months later, like over MMOWE.com.
Avatar of the Day: Jose Antonio
Jose Antonio is from Toledo, Spain, but he definitely has a very British style: not many Twinizens can rock a suit the way he does! If you ever want to listen to his radio show, visit his place Jose Antonio’s Radio Studio and enjoy with the best Spanish music in Twinity!
Avatar of the Day: Icat
Icat looks stunning in one of the wedding dresses just released in Twinity! Check the Twinity’s Bridal Shop and if you are up for a virtual wedding, join us in the Twinizens go Wedding event!
Twinity Newsletter – Get married in Twinity
Hiperia3D News on the Twinity Contest
Read more about it here.
The contest consists in choosing a famous picture and transform it to a room in Twinity. The prize is being featured and many Globals (no particular quantity has been stablished).
It is not stated but obviously you should choose a picture or painting that is not only famous but classic (paintings from more than 70 years ago) to avoid copyright infringement.