Avatar of the Day: Fatima

Fatima posted a picture on Twinity’s Facebook of her avatar dancing in Glenn’s place A Dream and thanks to her sensual moves she got the Avatar of the Day Prize! Congrats Fatima, you look great!

Fatima in A Dream

Avatar of the Day: Jie in London

Jie took a “walk” around Westminster Abbey and submitted her futuristic cowboy style, so she gets the Avatar of the Day prize! We love the Zach, but we love the cowboy hat + DJ Headphones combination even more! Check the new Twinity Contest rules here!

Jie in London

Twinity Newsletter – New contests to win Globals

50 Globals for “Avatar of the Day”

If you put time in your avatar’s style, why not show off your unique look to the community – and you could become the “Avatar of the Day”!

Click here for more information.


Avatar of the Day

Apartment of the week

250 Globals for “Apartment of the Week”

If design is more your thing, then style out your apartment. Join in the “Apartment of the Week” contest and you could win a nice prize of Globals!

Click here for more information.


250 Globals for “Event of the Week”

Just send post screenshot of your event on our Facebook wall and win 250 Globals if it is chosen as the “Event of the Week”!

Click here for more information.


Event of the Week

Featured Items of the Week

Virtual London in Twinity is booming, and our brand new collection “British Invasion” brings some crazy style to the big smoke! Grab your personal freebie at the opening party.

British Invasion Jacket British Invasion Hat British Invasion Pumps
British Invasion Jacket British Invasion Hat British Invasion Pumps

Featured Apartments in Virtual London!

Find yourself an apartment with a nice view, situated at river Thames or near St. Paul’s; these offers are definitely worth a look:

Exclusive Supersized Loft
Exclusive Supersized Loft

Avatar of the Day: Lora

Lora joined today the R U Creative?!?! Event in Palmadora, saw Anglina’s design and bid until she got it! Well done Lora: you are now the hottest girl in town with that amazing exclusive outfit, coordinated shoes included!

Lora in Palmadora