Koinup on Virtual London

Koinup wants you to say hello to Virtual London!

After the launch of Berlin and Singapore, Twinity adds a new hit to its series of cities. What make Twinity exciting is that they are trying to think their virtual world as not with the lens of escapism, but more with the lens of augmented reality. That is: thinking virtual worlds as tools that increase the perception of reality.

You can also find some great Virtual London pictures on Koinup from Samaya_Silberman

Virtual London

Virtual London

Twinity London nun begehbar

Auf Virtual-World.info:

Auch London ist nun als dritte Metropole im Bunde im Metaversum Twinity begehbar. Die Spiegelwelt hat sich darauf spezialisiert, Städte eins zu eins nachzubilden und der Realität so nahe als möglich zu kommen.

The Remap Berlin project is pretty cool!

From Random Magazine, here’s an interesting story about a photographer using Twinity’s Virtual Berlin for some interesting work.

The project introduces a series of b&w photographs shot in Twinity, a mirror world that reproduces a realistic 3D replica of Berlin. The photos shot in Twinity, are then geo-localized in Google maps, re-mapped from virtual to real and positioned in the exact point where they have been shot in the mirror world.

You can find the Remap Berlin project website here.
