Dress-up. Pose.Snapshot.Post.Win!
Alright, that’s the sum-up of this challenge, here are the details! 😉
Put together the coolest or your favorite Twinity outfit, take a snapshot, then post it on Twinity’s Facebook Page here with the comment #AvataroftheWeek and a link to your Twinity profile so we know who you are annnnd…that’s it! 😀

3DSnapshot: Milena
*Challenge starts Friday August 10, 2018 – Ends Thursday, August 16, 2018.
*You can only post one outfit but you can post more pictures(no more than 5) to help us see the outfit better.
*Both male and female avatars are accepted
*Winner will be made public on Friday, August 17, 2018.
*Winner will receive badge Avatar of the Week for their Twinity account.