Krazy Kakashi on The Spirit

Krazy Kakashi has been keep a 3D avatar diary in Twinity and other virtual worlds. The latest entry, number 7, covers The Spirit in Twinity. Some excerpts:

I decided to teleport to Berlin city centre a few minutes before the party to give me time to find the cinema, until a genius idea hit me…Twinity has a feature to teleport to any of your friend’s locations, so I immediately decided to teleport to where Lars was as he was where the party was being held.

The guy in the middle 50 Globals (Nice Twinity based pun there), was the DJ and begun asking people for their music requests.

I decided to examine the billboard nearby, and discovered something pretty nifty as a result. As you can from the above screenshot, a page from the website “Youtube” has been embedded into the billboard, and seeing as there is a video on it on autoplay, it automatically provided the music for the party!

If there’s one thing Twinity does right, it’s that it does some damn impressive scenery work and such neways.

Twinity offers new forms of customer interaction

Over on, there’s a great post titled “Twinity offers new forms of customer interaction“. There’s some great discussion there:

The company believes that modelling real locations is better for business than the ‘fantasy kingdom’ approach

Twinity has a virtual economy, together with tools that enable commercial partners to open up virtual extensions of their real-life businesses, including VoIP communications.

This means it can serve as a sales channel that allows online shopping to be revitalised as a more social experience.

“Twinity’s connection to the real world with a real community and trusted environment makes it an attractive platform for business. Companies that target the end consumer can interact with their consumers in a new dimension.”

Release notes, February 11, 2009

Dear Twinizens,

Some notes on this release (including the follow-ups):

  • Sending postcards from inside Twinity
  • Improved indoor lighting
  • Improved outdoor lighting
  • Improved voice chat
  • Added more tips and help information
  • Improved performance for location loading
  • Fixes for bugs that caused crashes on some hardware configurations


[Operations] Short outage at 15:00 CET

Dear Twinizens,

We need to take Twinity down for approximately 10 minutes  today at 15:00 CET for a short maintenance.  Unfortunately,  it will not be possible to login at that time and if you are already logged in, your avatar will be disconnected.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but we just wanted to let you know beforehand.



Virtual worlds rescue TV? or v.v.?

Gary Hayes has an interesting post called “Virtual worlds rescue TV? or v.v.?” with an interesting analysis of how traditional TV and film media has been used in virtual worlds, and some discussion of the benefits in each direction. There’s some nice mentions of Twinity and The Spirit in there:

Twinity (by Metaversum, the German created virtual world) are a long ways from a mature stable platform, hence being in beta for the past 12 months or so, but are already exhibiting the best ‘world-led’ event-based, user activation. This in my mind is high on the list of reasons for likely success

Give it a read!

[Operations] Update regarding todays patch

Just a quick update – Because of some additional testing, we needed to start the update  a little later than originally planned this afternoon.  As such, it will not be possible to login to the client until 21:00 CET this evening.  We apologize for the inconvenience.

[Operations] Twinity update – February 6th

Dear Twinizens,

We just wanted to let you know that we will be updating Twinity this afternoon from 14:00 to 16:00 CET.  During this update,  it will not be possible to login to the client.  After the update has completed, the patch will run automatically and update your client when you restart Twinity.

