3D Visit in Twintown

Greetings and salutations travelers!

This time we’ll keep it short with the introductions to the next 3D property because this place, well.. If you are a Twinizen then you know this place has some history! And if you’re not a Twinizen..well you want to be one! 😉

Twintown ! Currently owned by Twinity member Calle.shot0007

This wonderful 3D Location has been the Welcome Area a while back, then it became Vlad’s Kingdom, a 3DKingdom Area and now Twintown.shot0005

It has a beautiful enclosed like 3D Garden now that allows you to stroll over bridges made of glass so you can watch the fish swimming beneath your feet among the beautifully 3D designed lily-pads .


At the very top inside the 3D Dome you can have a rest in one of the lounges available and enjoy the 3Dview from a bird’s-eye-view perspective.

Surely the snapshots taken during our visit do not do this place justice. Take our invitation and visit this place in 3D, you will love it!

Since we are getting closer and closer to summer, check out our visit to Miami Beach!


Until next time traveler,

Happy 3D Sightseeing!