News from the development department

Current release is one of the most important in the past months.

Our female avatar has been completely revised (new symmetry, new animations, and adjusted garment). We hope you like the result! An interesting technical detail is the fact that all of our pieces of clothing have been done using our new Collada export pipeline. We are just documenting this exporting process and creating exemplary files so that every premium member who has modeling skills will be able to create and upload clothing of their own. In addition we added many new attachment slots and morph targets, so the avatar can be customized even more individually.

For all the non-modelers among us there is a nice new feature in the current release that enables the alteration of textures and colors from existing pieces of clothing. Soon we will provide the relevant templates on

The most important change in today’s release however pertains our new resource manager. We have reworked the file format, caching system, decoding and multithreading to speed up the loading time of city and apartments. The leap of performance is very noticeable especially in the city areas. The stability of the client has improved with this change, too. Further new features are a message broadcast system, enhanced support of Collada import, improvements on the minimap, and chairs without the distracting seat icons.

We are up to many things to further increase the performance, especially the performance in areas with many avatars and the user interface along with the loading speed of locations with numerous objects.

Comments 5

  1. 1. Ich kann mich mit dem neuen weibl. Avatar nicht anfreuden. Der Gang sieht einigermaßen flüssig aus nur wenn man eine bestimmte der Animationen wählt. Auch die Größe der weibl. Avatare ist schwer einzustellen im Verhältnis zu den männlichen Avataren. Es gibt auch weniger Frisurenauswahl als vor dem Patch.
    2. Jeder Upload von eigenen Colladaobjekten kostet über Nacht 1 Global (aber anscheinend ist es nicht bei Allen so). Es wäre fair, die Members darüber zu informieren. Beim Anpassen z. B. der Cubewände kann es teuer werden. Positiv erwähnen möchte ich die Schnelligkeit beim Uploaden.
    3. Solange die Aussentexturen nicht geladen werden, kann man sich flüssig in den Locations bewegen, ansonsten laggts heftig.
    Ich hoffe in der Zukunft Erfreulicheres zu berichten.
    Gruß Lora

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