Twinity beta starting soon

We’re finally ready to announce the Twinity beta. Things aren’t 100% firm yes, but here’s what we can say.

  • The exact start date isn’t set, but we’ll start during the next few weeks.
  • We’ll be letting in people in groups of between 20-100 people at a time. This will be based on things like back-end performance, our needs for more testing of specific things, etc, and we’ll try to share information here on the blog each step along the way.
  • Our goal is to reach 1500 members to help with testing by the end of the year.
  • If you want to join the beta, there are 2 ways to do it:
  • Either:
  • Go to and sign-up. Those sign-ups go into a bucket
  • Or:
  • Email me directly at jeremy (at) metaversum dot com. Obviously, you’ll need to replace parts of that with the right characters.